Monday- Presidents Day
Koch Math:
Click a tab on the left to read about the different curricular areas at the fifth grade level. We follow the Archdiocesen guidelines that can be found on the Archdiocese of Philadephia website at
The fifth grade curriculum develops students' language arts skills. In reading we use the Wonders anthology. This series provides students opportunities to read both fiction and non-fiction texts, poetry and drama. Students will make predictions, draw conclusions, make connections, identify the main idea, summarize, and other related reading skills. In writing, the students will focus on the writing process. They will brainstorm, write a rough draft, revise, edit, and publish. We will look at author's purpose: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain. We will use Grammar Workshop and Vocabulary Workshop to develop grammar rules and vocabulary development.
5th-grade students use Sadlier Math for both their textbooks and workbooks. These comprehensive books cover basic operations such as multiplication and division and even more complex topics like basic algebra and geometry. The mastery of basic operations is a key component to this year and helps to forge an understanding of more rigorous math topics.
5th grade students will continue with their faith based journey by using the We Believe textbook. This book helps to further guide children on their pathway to continuing their relationship with God. Students will be working on such topics as learning about the different Sacraments as well as understanding how Jesus shares his life with us.
Students will be using Lab Learner for 5th grade science. The curriculum is based around students collaborating and completing hands-on labs. 5th grade students will be engaged in many intriguing topics including microscopic explorations and genes. These topics will help to build upon their understanding of science and further their mastery of the subject matter.
Students will be engaged in learning about world history in 5th grade. This will include learning about the beginning of civilization and moving throughout the world discussing various early empires. Some of these include early explorers, Revolutionary War, the Constitution, and the colonies.