Homework Club Registration Form and Information
The C.A.R.E.S. (Children Are Receiving Extended Service) program is open to any Saint Luke student in Pre K through Grade 8. A Registration/Emergency Contact Form must be filled out before a student is permitted to stay. This should be done at the beginning of the year, but may be done at any time. Once the form is completed, the student may stay anytime a parent needs to use the program.
A calendar will be emailed home for the upcoming month for planning your need for CARES. It is important to complete this calendar and return it to the school office promptly to prepare adequate staffing, snacks and supplies each month. In cases of last minute attendance, a family may call the main office
(215-884-0843) and email the CARES Director ([email protected]) to request that their student(s) be sent to CARES. Please note that we can only do this if the registration form has been previously filled out.
If your plans change and you need to cancel your student's attendance at CARES, for the safety of your student, you must:
① Call the office (215) 884-0843.
② Email your student's teacher.
③ Email the CARES director [email protected]
Personnel: The C.A.R.E.S. Program is monitored by Mrs. Terry Heinz, Program Director.
Hours: AM (Morning) CARES begins at 7:00 am each morning. In cases when we have a late opening due to inclement weather or other conditions, the morning program is not held. AM CARES for students is provided until 8:00AM.
PM (Afternoon) CARES runs from the time school is dismissed until 6PM each evening. If there is an early dismissal due to inclement weather, PM CARES is not provided.
Days: AM and PM CARES are offered each day school is in session. PM CARES is offered on half-day school days at $9 per hour per child.
Cost: The cost of both AM and PM CARES Programs is $9 per hour per child. All CARES charges are billed via FACTS tuition management system each month after attendance in the program.
AM CARES | $9 per child |
PM CARES | $9 per child until 4 pm (including those who attend HOMEWORK CLUB) |
$18 per child until 5 pm | |
$27 per child until 6 pm |
**After 6:05PM a fee of $2.50 for every 5 minutes will need to be paid to the moderator personally since they are no longer paid by Saint Luke Catholic School.**
Attendance: PreK students attend AM and PM CARES in the PreK playroom in the Lower Building. AM CARES for students in K-8 takes place in the Upper Building. Students enjoy quiet activities until 8:00AM and then are directed to their grade lines outside or classroom depending upon the weather. In PM CARES students receive a snack, have some playtime and some structured homework time. For students in K-8, snack and playtime take place outside or in the gym, and homework/quiet time is held in the art room.
PM C.A.R.E.S. dismissal: Parents or guardians arriving at school to pick up his/her student should wait outside the back door of the Lower Building, while wearing a mask. Those parents or guardians must call the CARES line ( TBA upon receipt of registration ) to announce their arrival. Each student must be signed out by a parent or guardian before leaving. In an emergency if a student is to be picked up by someone other than the parent, guardian, or designated adult listed on the registration form, the school must be notified by note or phone. When the designated individual reports for pick-up, he or she must show a valid photo ID.
Early Dismissal: If school is closed early due to weather conditions or other emergencies, the PM CARES program is cancelled for the day. When threatening weather is approaching, parents should remain alert for an early closing announcement and have in place a plan to have their child picked up by a friend or relative that is in the local area. In an absolute emergency, please contact the school by phone rather than by email, as these times are quite hectic in schools and your email may not be picked up in a timely manner.
Behavior: All students in both C.A.R.E.S. programs are expected to behave appropriately and treat adults and peers with respect at all times. C.A.R.E.S. is still part of Saint Luke Catholic School following all school policies for your children’s safety and success.