Regular school attendance impacts positively on the child’s academic development. The total amount of days that school is in session is prescribed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The policies regarding this area are as follows:
The school reserves the right to send a child home who exhibits any of these symptoms during the school day. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the emergency contacts will be tried. A child should remain at home at least 24 hours with no fever or vomiting following an illness. By following these guidelines, you will protect not only the health of your child, but also the health of his/her classmates and school staff.
Any student suspected of having any of the following communicable diseases must remain out of school for the indicated time, and must return to school with a parent’s or physician’s note indicating type of treatment. Since these diseases are contagious, school authorities, the main office and the classroom teacher, must be notified. It will be the job of the school to notify the classroom or school community.
Any undiagnosed rash | Until diagnosis is established or symptoms are gone for 24 hours. |
Contagious Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) | 24 hours after start of physician prescribed treatment and discharge has ceased. |
Fifth Disease | No exclusion unless fever is present. |
Meningitis | As indicated by physician; a physician’s note should indicate allowed activity including physical education restrictions. |
Mononucleosis | As indicated by physician; a physician’s note should indicate allowed activity including physical education restrictions. |
Pediculosis (Lice) | After treatment is given and no nits are present. |
Ringworm | Proof of treatment |
Influenza | No fever for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. |
Strep Throat | 24 hours on antibiotics |
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) | Notify the school immediately after 5 days of antibiotic therapy and a physician’s note. |
Scarlet Fever | 24 hours after medication is started. |
Chronic lateness demonstrates a lack of cooperation with school policy. For each lateness, except for bus delays, a parent or guardian must escort the student into the school office.
Please make dental and doctor appointments after school hours. When it is necessary for a child to be excused from school before the regular dismissal time, a note must be given by the child to his/her teacher in the morning. A child leaving school early must be picked up by a parent, or an authorized person representing the parent, in the Main Office. Students may NOT be picked up for early dismissal after 2:30 PM. Students leaving before 2:00 PM are considered absent for the afternoon.
St. Luke Catholic School believes that an appropriate dress code is important in educating our students. Neatness and cleanliness in personal attire are part of a child’s education and the responsibility of the parents. When a child looks and feels good about him/her self, he/she acts and works accordingly.
The complete school uniform is required for each student every day. Uniforms are to be worn to all field trips and other school-related trips, unless otherwise specified by the principal. Any student not in compliance with the dress code will receive a formal warning. If at any time during the year an exception in uniform is necessary, a note of explanation must be sent to the child’s teacher who will forward it to the principal. This note should indicate the expected date by which the uniform will be complete.
Personal appearance that constitutes a distraction is not permitted. Final approval/disapproval are at the discretion of the principal.
Tag days occur occasionally throughout the year. These days are a special privilege, subject to proper attire, and warrant everyone’s full cooperation. Midsections, backs, and shoulders must be covered. All tops must be short-sleeved or longer. Scoop or V-necked tops must not be too low. Pajamas are not acceptable at any time. T-shirts with words or images deemed inappropriate by school staff are not permitted. Shoes must be flat and have a backing or strap at the heel for recess and stairwell safety. Students in Grades 4-8 may only wear shorts of Bermuda length, slightly above the knee, or longer. Capris are also an option for girls. Skirt length requirements mirror those of the regular uniform. Leggings may only be worn with a longer top at least fingertip length. Any student not following the guidelines will be required to call home for a change of clothes.
Fall/Spring (Optional) Uniform | Winter Uniform |
Preschool and Kindergarten Boys & Girls | |
Fall / Spring (Optional) Uniform | Winter Uniform |
Heather Gray Tee Shirt with SLCS Logo Navy mesh shorts White or black socks (no logos) Sneakers (no wheels, lights or sounds)
| Heather Gray Tee Shirt with SLCS Logo Navy Hooded Sweatshirt with SLCS Logo Navy Sweatpants White socks Sneakers (no wheels, lights or sounds) |
Girls Grades 1st - 4th | |
Fall / Spring (Optional) Uniform | Winter Uniform |
Khaki 2 Pleat Skort Dark Navy Short Sleeve Banded Bottom Shirt Navy Knee-High Socks Brown Oxford or Saddle Shoe
| Navy, Gold, and White Drop Waist Jumper White Long or Short Sleeve Peterpan Collar Blouse Navy Crew Neck Cardigan Sweater with School Logo (Mandatory) Brown Oxford Shoe or Saddle Shoe Navy Knee-High Socks or Navy Tights |
Girls Grades 5-8 | |
Fall / Spring (Optional) Uniform | Winter Uniform |
Khaki 2 Pleat Skort / Plaid wrap around kilt Dark Navy Short Sleeve Banded Bottom Shirt Navy Knee-High Socks Brown Oxford Shoe or Saddle Shoe
| Navy, Gold, and White Plaid Wrap Around Kilt White Oxford Button Collar Short Sleeve Shirt White Oxford Button Collar Long Sleeve Shirt Navy “Boyfriend” Button Sweater or V-neck Sweater or V-neck Sweater Vest with School Logo (mandatory) Brown Oxford Shoe or Saddle Shoe Navy Knee-High Socks or Navy Tights |
Boys Grades 1st-4th | |
Fall / Spring (Optional) Uniform | Winter Uniform |
Khaki Twill Shorts Dark Navy Short Sleeve Polo Shirt with School Logo White, black or khaki socks (no logos) Brown Oxford Shoe
| Khaki Twill Pants White Short Sleeve Polo Shirt with School Logo White Long Sleeve Polo Shirt with School Logo Navy V-neck Pullover Sweater with School LogoNavy V-neck Sweater Vest with School Logo Brown Oxford Shoe White, Black or Khaki Socks (Sweater or sweater vest is mandatory) |
Boys Grades 5-8 | |
Fall / Spring (Optional) Uniform | Winter Uniform |
Khaki Twill Shorts Dark Navy Short or Long Sleeve Polo Shirt with School Logo White, Black or Khaki socks (no logos) Brown Oxford Shoe
| Khaki Twill Pants White Short Sleeve Button Collar Shirt White Long Sleeve Button Collar Shirt Navy & Gold Striped Tie Navy V-neck Pullover Sweater with School Logo Navy V-neck Sweater Vest with School Logo Brown Belt Brown Oxford Shoe White, Black or Khaki Socks (Sweater or sweater vest is mandatory) |
Gym Uniform Grades 1-8 | |
Fall / Spring (Optional) Uniform | Winter Uniform |
Heather Gray Tee Shirt with School Silk Screen Navy mesh shorts White socks (no logos) Sneakers
| Heather Gray Tee Shirt with School Silk Screen Navy Hooded Sweatshirt with School Silkscreen Navy Sweatpants White socks (no logos) Sneakers |
Homework is given for the following reasons: to foster habits of independent work-study, to reinforce learning that has taken place in school, and to bring home and school together. Each teacher sets up his/her own policy for home assignments. Parents should provide a good study atmosphere, set a definite time for homework each day, and check the homework to ascertain that it has been completed. It is important, however, that parents recognize that homework is the student’s responsibility; they should not assume that responsibility for the child. If there is a problem about assigned work, parents should contact the teacher involved by sending a note.
The Office of Catholic Education suggests the following time allotments for daily homework (includes both written and study assignments):
The school realizes that teachers, students, and subjects vary. The objective is not time, but the extension of learning beyond class time.
All written assignments should be done neatly and legibly. No assignment, projected by a teacher to take a few weeks, can be done overnight or in one weekend. Rather, students should approach long-term assignments by evenly distributing the work over a period of time and not procrastinating until the due date. These time-management skills provide vital training for the future. Parents’ signatures on homework are at the discretion of the individual teacher. The teacher reserves the right to detain students during recess for the purpose of completing assignments not submitted.
In the event of absence or suspension, all homework and missed assignments are to be made up.
For short absences, students should make arrangements with classmates, check assignments online or obtain them when they return to school. If a student is absent, parents may call the main office for homework before 10:00AM. Homework may be picked up in the main office after 3:00PM.
Parents are strongly discouraged from planning vacations during the academic year. While family time is certainly valuable, interruption in the educational process places a burden on the child to learn and make up the required schoolwork. Prior to the extended absence, the school must be notified. Schoolwork will not be given to the student prior to their vacation as this work is a follow-up to the teacher’s instruction. It is the responsibility of the student, upon returning, to meet with the teacher/teachers to discuss plans for making up all missed work and tests. It is also the responsibility of the student to make up the missed work within a week of returning.
In the beginning of the school year, parents/guardians are asked how their child/children will arrive at and leave school. Should a change in student transportation be necessary (for example, a student will be a car rider instead of a bus rider), a note signed by the parent/guardian must be given to the student’s teacher, specifying the nature of the change and the dates affected. A written note is necessary for any change, even if it is for one day.
The local public school districts provide bus transportation for students. Children who ride the bus are expected to behave in a safe and orderly manner at all times. Failure to do so will result in their being denied the privilege of riding the bus. The safety of all bus passengers is the responsibility of the bus driver who has authority to make any necessary safety rules, in addition to the rules of the Bureau of Traffic Safety of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Children must ride the same bus both morning and afternoon as assigned to them by the school district. Please do not request permission, written or verbal, from the Principal for a student who is a non-rider to take the bus to any location on a given day. The school is not in a position to grant such a request. If you wish to pursue such a change, you may call the transportation office of the local public school district.
Students will proceed to their bus following announcement via orderly lines of bus riders to the parking lot behind the school, supervised by faculty members.
Use of a mobile phone while driving in the parking lot is not permitted.
Beginning at 7:45 AM, faculty members will be in the parking lot and school yard:
With faculty supervision, children will be dismissed via Roberts Avenue or Easton Road to walk home beginning at 3:00 PM.
All students will enter either the Upper Building or Lower Building and proceed immediately to their homerooms.
Students will have a half-day of school on certain days throughout the year. On a scheduled half-day of school, students are dismissed at noon following normal dismissal practices.
St. Luke Catholic School admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to its students. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, its admission policy, or in any school-administered program.
St. Luke Catholic School endeavors to accommodate students with special needs as the school’s resources and capabilities reasonably permit. The school reserves the right to decline admission or impose reasonable conditions of attendance where indicated under the circumstances.
The necessary forms and certificates for admission are:
St. Luke Catholic School follows local public school districts’ age requirements for admission. A student who is six years old by September 1 of the school year is eligible for enrollment in Grade 1; students eligible for enrollment in Kindergarten should be five years old by September 1 of the appropriate school year. Potential Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 students must be the required age by September 1 of the current year. Children must be fully toilet-trained.
In other grades, if the child’s age does not meet the September 1 requirement, admission to the grade requested is determined by the principal after review of academic records from the previous year.
A one-year probationary period will be mandatory for all students transferring to St. Luke Catholic School. A student failing to adhere to the school’s philosophy, regulation or rules will be dismissed. New students registering for all grades may be required to take a level test to determine placement and attend St. Luke Catholic School for a shadow day. All new families must meet with the Principal.
The primary purpose of our school is religious education and faith formation. We exist for the purpose of evangelization and catechesis, that is, the proclamation of the Gospel and formation of the entire school community of faith. Our school offers a complete Catholic religious education program and makes every effort to develop the Faith in all the students so that they may live a full Christian life.
Non-Catholic students may be admitted to our school under the following conditions:
In late Fall each year, currently enrolled families will be emailed the tuition and fee information for the next school year. Current students will be registered automatically on or by January 31 of the current school year. If a student is not re-registering for the upcoming school year, parents or guardians must let the Principal know in writing by January 15.
All financial obligations must be current before paperwork is processed for the next school year.
Registration for Kindergarten students and other students new to our school typically takes place beginning in February for the following school year.
There is a non-refundable fee due at the time of registration.
Families, with completed registration packets, are accepted into the school in the following preferential order:
St. Luke Catholic School provides quality Catholic education through the efforts of the faculty, staff, Home and School Association, volunteers and most of all, through the many sacrifices made by the parents/guardians of the children enrolled here. Tuition is an investment in your child’s education and religious formation. Tuition ensures that sufficient financial resources are available for St. Luke Catholic School, and that enrollment is as available and affordable as possible to all families who desire to apply and abide by the rules regulations and policies established for the school.
The Administration of St. Luke Catholic School has established the following tuition goals:
Tuition is determined in late Fall for the following school year. The school also may impose fees for other items, such as extracurricular activities, science equipment/labs, field trips, books, registration, and graduation.
Per the Standards for Quality Catholic Schools, published by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in January 2012, the following applies: “Tuition is subsidized by parish funds. Parents who are not members of the parish or who are non-contributing members of the parish should expect to pay 100% of the total cost per pupil.”
The tuition policy of St. Luke Catholic School requires that the parents and/or guardians must arrange to pay the total tuition charged for the current school year. All families are required to make tuition payments using the FACTS Tuition Management Plan. Each family’s preferred manner of payment must be submitted each year at the time of student registration. Through this plan, the family authorizes the bank to transfer the tuition payment from a checking or savings account.
FACTS Tuition Management Plan Options for payment include:
For the sake of your family’s security and peace of mind, and for the general financial stability of our school, it is the obligation of and we encourage each parent and/or guardian to contact the school as soon as possible when they are experiencing economic difficulties or changes in life situation.
Families who experience these problems may contact the Business Manager of St. Luke Catholic School to arrange for a confidential meeting to discuss special arrangements. All requests shall be held in strict confidence.
In fairness to all families, parents/guardians are expected to keep tuition payments up to date. Both parents/guardians are jointly responsible for tuition and other fees charged by the school. The student report card will not be released if the tuition account has an outstanding balance. In addition, the school reserves the right to take further action, up to and including dismissal and withholding of school records, if outstanding balance payment is not made. Accounts will be monitored and notifications sent out periodically. If at the end of the first or second trimester there is a balance due, the student(s) will not be allowed to return to class until the payments are brought up to date and/or arrangements are made with the Business Manager.
Fees determined by the Administration are in addition to the tuition.
In an effort to encourage and affirm students whose academic, social and behavioral performance is outstanding, St. Luke Catholic School will acknowledge their effort and achievement at the end of each trimester. The criteria for such acknowledgment are as follows:
• General average of 95 or above (and in all core academic subjects).
• Personal and Social Growth, Effort and Study Skills and special subject grades of 3 or 4.
• Student must also have a good conduct record.
• All grades must be 95 or above.
• General average of 90 or above (and in all core academic subjects).
• Personal and Social Growth, Effort and Study Skills and special subject grades of 3 or 4.
• Student must also have a good conduct record.
• All grades must be 90 or above.
• A positive student who shows outstanding educational growth, improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects.
• Completes ALL assignments daily, both at home and in school.
• Participates orally in class; does work neatly.
• Has a passing grade in every subject.
• Has a 3 or a 4 in all special subjects, as well as Personal & Social Growth and Effort & Study.
• One student per homeroom.
• One student per homeroom is recognized for achieving the highest average in the subject area of Religion.
Occasionally, despite intervention on the part of the school, a student may not be able to demonstrate mastery of the curriculum and achieve passing grades. When this lack of progress is a result of the student not fulfilling his/her academic responsibilities, the student will be placed on academic probation. A student who does not fulfill his/her academic responsibilities in an academic trimester will be placed on academic probation for a period of time designated by the administrator. If the student is unsuccessful in meeting his/her academic responsibilities, the administration will review the student’s continued enrollment in the school. If the school requires the student to receive academic supports and interventions, and the parent refuses those supports and interventions, the school reserves the right to make decisions regarding the continued enrollment of the student at St. Luke Catholic School.
Attendance at a summer school or a tutoring program is mandatory if a student has a failure on the final report card and wishes to return to St. Luke Catholic School for the next year. Notification of successful completion of a program must be given in writing to the school office prior to the first day of school. The student will then be placed on academic probation until the end of the first trimester. If the student incurs one failure in a major subject in the first trimester report card, that student would be liable for dismissal from St. Luke Catholic School.
Any eighth grade student who fails any of the major subject areas or who has a failing composite average is required to attend summer school provided by the Archdiocesan High School if they wish to attend an Archdiocesan High School in the Fall.