I hope you had a great weekend! A friendly reminder that school will be closed next Monday (Jan. 20) in honor of Martin Luther King Day.
Mrs.Hober sent out an email last evening through FlockNotes with important information regarding the sacraments your children will be receiving this spring. She asked Mrs. Hector and I to please send the letter to our homerooms in the event you are not signed up with FlockNotes through our parish. Be on the lookout for a second email from me today. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Hober at [email protected]g should you have any questions.
In reading this week, the class will learn how transition words (like First, Next, Then or Last ) can help a non- fiction story keep its order. We will practice writing a "How To" during our writing block this week to help with this skill. The class will also learn that a Thesaurus is a dictionary for finding synonyms. We will explore searching through one to help find strong words so our speaking and writing become more powerful. The spelling pattern for this week will continue with "magic e" BUT this time we will practice decoding multi-syllable words. I am missing a handful of spelling copybooks that were due this past Friday. Please check at home and hand it in tomorrow so that the new spelling menu can be stapled inside.
The class spent last week in math isolating the steps of how to borrow when subtracting. We will put these skills into action this week by actually completing double digit subtraction facts. PLEASE encourage your child to highlight the ones column when doing their homework. Some of the math facts will not require regrouping. It is important for your child to learn how to identify when or when not to borrow. If all goes well this week, the test for Chapter 5 will be on Wednesday, January 22.
We will conclude Chapter 6 in Religion this week by learning about what makes the New Testament a special part of the Bible. The students will also learn that the Gospels were written by Matthew, Mark Luke and John so that future Christians would know the details of Jesus' life. The Religion test is scheduled for this Thursday, January 16th.
In Social Studies, the class will learn that the lands on earth are made up into different countries. And, in Science, the class will learn that there are four main types of precipitation that fall from the clouds.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns Enjoy the rest of your day GO BIRDS!