In 1904 the impetus for a new parish came from a group of Catholic laymen in the area. Saint Luke Parish was dedicated on Sunday December 14, 1905. The faithful met in the center of the Glenside business district at a temporary chapel in the old Tierney Hotel. A larger space was needed and Father Quinn obtained the use of a larger building known as the Glenside Inn. The 1st Church services were held on January 1, 1907 at "St. Luke's Chapel."
Father Rafe acquired a permanent site for St. Luke Church and a rectory at Easton Rd. and Lynwood Ave (now known as Fairhill) on May 5, 1909. Archbishop Ryan laid the cornerstone for the new church on June 24, 1909 and the next year the structure was completed. The church was dedicated in its current location on July 19, 1920.
The pastor, Father Rafe, realized that a Parish School was necessary. Ground was broken in 1919. In 1920, Father Augustine Rufe entered into a contract with the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia to provide instruction in the newly constructed school. Among the terms of the contract was the provision of $300 per sister per year. The initial enrollment was eighty-nine girls and eighty boys, and the staff consisted of five. The Sisters resided in a house on Easton Road that was purchased for their use as well as heat, light and water but not food. Classes began in Sept. 1920 and the first eighth grade diplomas were awarded in June of 1922.
Ground was broken for a new convent and on January 31, 1927 the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill moved in. Even though the school population had doubled during the decade, the number of teaching nuns only increased from 5 to 8. When the school started in 1920, two grades were combined in each classroom.
Enrollment in the school had doubled and the Pastor at the time, Father Patterson, purchased another building on Easton Road and converted the first floor into Kindergarten rooms and the 2nd floor became classroom annexes for the grade school. Previously in 1945 the Parish purchased a building in another location just for the kindergarten. This building was known as the cottage.
Saint Luke School had over 900 students enrolled and the construction finished for the additional school building. This new school building became known as the upper building in later years. In the early 60's a small group of parents asked Father Patterson to form a parents' group to assist in mitigating the problems of the school. The first Home and School Association in the Archdiocese was formed. This group quickly identified the need of a school library and founded one in the old school building.
Continued population growth in Glenside led to overcrowding at Mass. As a result, Masses were being celebrated in the old school auditorium, the Glenside War Memorial Building and the Keswick Theatre. Father Fitzpatrick received orders from Cardinal Krol to come to St. Luke's to demolish the existing church building and build a new church building. The last Mass was held at the old church on Nov. 3, 1969. During the year and a half of construction the Keswick Theatre became known as St. Keswick.
Monsignor Lyons stands next to the bell from the old church.
The pastor, Msgr. Flood, asks Parishioners for their "Parish Dreams". These dreams are reviewed by a commintee and a plan is made for implementation.
Saint Luke School and Immaculate Conception School are set to merge into a Regional School named Saint Joseph the Protector. Cardinal Rigali established a Blue Ribbon Commission to study and recommend to close or merge a significant number of elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The school name was selected to honor the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill whose combined history of the two schools spanned 180 years.
It is announced that the merger between Saint Luke Parish and Immaculate Conception Parish schools will end at the completion of the 2017-18 school year. Saint Joseph the Protector School will become Saint Luke Parish School again.
Many plans are being made for renovations to the old school and an announcement that an early childhood (Pre-K3 and Pre-K4) program will be added to the Parish School in the 2018-19 school year.
Saint Luke Catholic School reopens as a parish school to continue to teach the faith and continue to serve the educational needs of students in the Glenside community. Classrooms have been refurbished and new classrooms have been constructed. The early elementary school opens with both PreK3 and PreK4 programs. A brand new room is created for both Art and Music and classrooms are refurbished for the new preschool. Technology is updated and floors, walls and ceilings are refurbished or new. The Pastor, Father Brandt, has made a major commitment to the school's success.