St. Luke Catholic School provides quality Catholic education through the efforts of the faculty, staff, Home and School Association, volunteers and most of all, through the many sacrifices made by the parents/guardians of the children enrolled here. Tuition is an investment in your child’s education and religious formation. Tuition ensures that sufficient financial resources are available for St. Luke Catholic School, and that enrollment is as available and affordable as possible to all families who desire to apply and abide by the rules, regulations and policies established for the school.
The Administration of St. Luke Catholic School has established the following tuition goals:
Tuition is determined in late Fall for the following school year. There is currently a Registration Fee of $125 per student (max $250 per family), a Home and School Fee of $50 and an Annual Family Fee of $200. The school also may impose fees for other items, such as extracurricular activities, science equipment/labs, field trips, books, registration, and graduation. Tuition Rates for 2025-2026 CLICK HERE.
Per the Standards for Quality Catholic Schools, published by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in January 2012, the following applies: “Tuition is subsidized by parish funds. Parents who are not members of the parish or who are non-contributing members of the parish should expect to pay 100% of the total cost per pupil.”
The tuition policy of St. Luke Catholic School requires that the parents and/or guardians must arrange to pay the total tuition charged for the current school year. All families are required to make tuition payments using the FACTS Tuition Management Plan. Each family’s preferred manner of payment must be submitted each year at the time of student registration. Through this plan, the family authorizes the bank to transfer the tuition payment from a checking or savings account.
FACTS Tuition Management Plan Options for payment include:
For the sake of your family’s security and peace of mind, and for the general financial stability of our school, it is the obligation of and we encourage each parent and/or guardian to contact the school as soon as possible when they are experiencing economic difficulties or changes in life situation.
Families who experience these problems may contact the Business Manager of St. Luke Catholic School to arrange for a confidential meeting to discuss special arrangements. All requests shall be held in strict confidence.
In fairness to all families, parents/guardians are expected to keep tuition payments up to date. Both parents/guardians are jointly responsible for tuition and other fees charged by the school. The student report card will not be released if the tuition account has an outstanding balance. In addition, the school reserves the right to take further action, up to and including dismissal and withholding of school records, if outstanding balance payment is not made. Accounts will be monitored and notifications sent out periodically. If at the end of the first or second trimester there is a balance due, the student(s) will not be allowed to return to class until the payments are brought up to date and/or arrangements are made with the Business Manager.
Fees determined by the Administration are in addition to the tuition.