Are you a current volunteer at the school? Are you interested in being a volunteer? We couldn't do it without you! We love our volunteers! Please email all the forms to [email protected].
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers for all you do each and every day to support the Archdiocesan community and programs.
This page is for you, to provide you with information, answer your questions, and keep you up to date on what is happening regard ing child protection within the Archdiocese.
If you do not find an answer you are looking for or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Heads up! Clearances must be updated every 5 years!
Note that the policies listed below are for the Archdiocese. Please check with your school or parish to determine if they have additional requirements of guidelines.
Archdiocesan policy requires that volunteers who may have any possible contact with children complete the following background checks and clearances:
Clearances for Volunteers living in PA for less than 10 years:
Clearances for Volunteers Living in PA Continuously for 10 years:
Volunteers who reside in Pennsylvania do not have a provisional period and must obtain clearances prior to beginning service.
Volunteers who reside in another state or country may serve for no more that 30 days as long as they provide clearances from their state or country of residence.
Volunteers who have regular contact with children (at least one time per week) are required to complete parts one and two of the Safe Environment training within 90 days of beginning their volunteer work.
If a Volunteer Suspects Abuse
As a volunteer working within the Archdiocese, we hope that you will always err on the side of protecting children and immediately report any suspicion of child abuse to the proper authorities. Some volunteers are mandated reporters and MUST report suspicions of abuse. Effective December 31, 2014, volunteers working directly with children are mandated reporters in Pennsylvania. This means that you will be legally responsible to report when you have reasonable cause to suspect a child has been abused.
1. PA State Police Criminal Record Check
2. PA Department Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance
3. Federal Criminal Background Check
Go to to schedule an appointment for the background check.
Minors, defined as 17 and younger, who are volunteering are not required to obtain any clearances. Minors, ages 1417, applying for or in a paid position as an employee responsible for the welfare of a child or having direct contact with children are required to obtain all three clearances, but can be exempt from obtaining the FBI fingerprint clearance under certain circumstances. Please see our Background Checks and Clearances Required for Minors FAQ for more details.
The following are service code needed to register minors for all current and/or prospective parish and other staff:
All required clearances, including FBI, must be renewed every five years. Volunteers who have been a resident of Pennsylvania for less than 10 years must renew their FBI Fingerprint clearance until they reach 10 years of residency in Pennsylvania. Once the volunteer meets the 10 year residency requirement, they must complete a Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers which must be submitted every five years.